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Hey Guys,
I have made an script, were the
units with this in init: [this]execVM"EdenScripts\ads_men.sqf"; and
vehicles with this in init: [this]execVM"EdenScripts\ads_vehicle.sqf";
automatical spawn and despawn if  players are near to them.

1. Put the EdenScripts Folder in your Mission Folder.
2. Write in init.sqf: ads_spawndistance = 200; (200 is the spawn distance) or use the premade init.sqf
3. Name every playable unit in your mission
4. Go to the EdenScripts Folder and edit ads_men.sqf and ads_vehicle.sqf:
add the line

if (_pos distance Player <= ads_spawndistance) then {_reachable = _reachable + 1;};

after the if (_pos distance Player1 <= ads_spawndistance) then {_reachable = _reachable + 1;}; line both times
and replace Player with the name of your playable units. Do this for each unit.
(I will make an array where you can put the unit names in.)

I hope you can use my script and can report bugs to me. E-Mail: eden@sol-diers.com



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