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Drongos Active Protection System compat

Empfohlene Beiträge



Die Mod sollte den Fahrzeugen Automatisch die respektiven APS Systeme zuweisen, ohne dass diese extra in der Mission zugewiesen wurden.


Steam Beschreibung:

Modified from DAPS for Operation Trebuchet, so all credit goes to Drongo

Most compat vehicle classnames can be found here:

Notable info:
1 Mostly take care of vehicles from CUP(CFP), RHS, OPTRE(and some of its side mods). Others include Sab air, mechas(Macross, HMCS), T100X(rail gun and coil gun), 3CB factions, Firewill, etc
2 M2 Bradly uses iron fist now, as IRL.
3 Since US army is still looking for a suitable APS for stryker fleet, I assign generic APS light to them.
4 I assume the follwing aircrafts have equiped with AAQ-24 Nemesis DIRCM: CH/MH47E, AH64D/E, AH1Z, UH/MH60M, MV/CV22, V280 Valor, C130J, RAH66, CH/MH53E.
5 OPTRE's APS loadouts are all fictional, not assigned accroding to HALO games.
6 Advanced Russian aircrafts(KA50/52, MI28, SU34, SU35, SU47,MI24G/mk3, etc) are all using Vitebsk DIRCM.But for others(MI17,MI24, SU25), only those in advanced factions(AFRF, CSAT, AAF, PLA) are lucky. Same rule for land vehicles.
7 Since Drongo assigns generic APS light on vanilla MRAPs, so those from CUP and RHS are also lucky.
8 M1A2TUSK(2003) from CFP does not use APS.
9 RHS T14 and T15 have Drongo's version of Afganit APS now.

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